The lips have been a neglected area in rejuvenation. Aging in the lip area can occur naturally, from sun exposure, smoking, etc. Youthful fuller looking lips have few to no lines on the upper/ lower lip, are fuller, and the corners are horizontal, and not down turned or “frowning.”
A classic example that is familiar to all is Angelina Jolie. We now have several good methods to improve the upper lip fine lines, upper and lower lip thinning, and the downward turning of the corners of the lips. These include Microlaser Peel / Profractional for the upper lip lines; Fillers, particularly Belotero, for the upper lines, corners, and for lip thinning.
Our goal is to improve the appearance of the lips, make them look more youthful, but to do it in a subtle, more natural way.
We avoid over correction, which is too obvious, and does not look natural!
Please visit the Microlaser Peel, Profractional, and Filler section on our site.
Contact us for a complimentary consultation!